In an effort to continue to walk in step with what the Lord is doing in the Hill community, we are plotting a course, in humble dependence upon the Holy Spirit, to further impart the kingdom realities that the Gospel produces in our neighborhood. It is extremely unlikely, due to the high level of poverty, that weekly tithes, offerings and gifts from our regular collections will, in the foreseeable future, ever cover the combination of our modest weekly operating budget and the moderate growth in programs and activities targeted at further penetration into the lost neighborhoods that comprise the Hill Community. Despite this financial fact, we go forward in God’s Grace counting on His provision. In particular, we desire to focus our energy and resources in the following areas:
1. Spiritual Development--At the heart of all historic revivals and renewals is a foundational focus upon the Gospel of Jesus; namely, a dependence upon the finished work of Christ not only to save our souls, but to empower God's people to live lives of holiness to the glory of God.
- Issues of anger and violence through a weekend seminar called Equipping For Peace, which will equip Christians to be able to help others learn how to process anger and conflict, with the gospel as the starting point.
- Weekend seminar called Tracing the Storyline of the Bible, focusing biblical instruction on the central redemptive message of the bible and how that truth is progressively developed throughout the canon. This will provide a significant discipleship component to the church and many throughout the inner city.
2. Youth Development--Due to the high level of single-parent homes within the Hill community, the need for healthy, safe, loving, and gospel-driven youth programs are simply beyond description. Thus, we desire to help provide opportunities in the following way:
- Impact Week Outreach (Soccer & Art Camps)--Two parallel camps during the first week of July, in which we build relationships, teach the gospel, and provide community building opportunities for both children and their parents.
- After Camp Program--Following the 1-week camps, we continue our interactions for the remainder of the summer with the children through a 3-times per week 'after camp' gathering, where we are able to continue to build relationships, educate through various field trips, provide mentoring, have fun, and continue to share the redemptive stories of the bible.
- Summer and Year long Youth Interns--Key to the assimilation of many of these children and their families into the life of the church is having the assistance of various part-time & full-time interns to help solidify the faith's of the children and their families. Their work plays a pivotal part in establishing necessary programs and discipleship tools for the health and life of the youth of our Church.
3. Economic Development--A key issue that needs to be addressed in all impoverished communities is that of helping to bring economic stimulus to the region via new businesses and/or empowering community members to start new enterprises, which could bring employment opportunities. Currently, we are in the development stages of 2 micro-enterprises:
- Dry Erase Board Co-Op,
- Clothing and Household Items Cooperative
4. Cultural Renewal--Due spiritual oppression and poverty, life-giving culture is often stunted and perverted. However, infused with the power of the resurrection, via the Gospel, people and communities can begin to heal and express their unique and life-giving flavor to the larger city as a whole. As such, the Gospel penetrates into every sphere of cultural life, leading it to bring honor and glory to Him for which all things were created for; education, the arts, relationships and community, and our spiritual lives all begin to be done in response to the gracious work of Jesus in our lives. It is this vision that fuels many of our community development activities, such as:
- Back-To-School Outreach
- A Hill Art Show, Lesson, & Competition
- Walking In His Midst Barbecues & Bible Studies
- 2 Major Speaker Outreaches via either an Athlete, Actor, Concert, or Cultural critic
5. Mercy & Justice--One cannot read the bible and not notice the heart that the Lord has for the poor, widowed, orphaned, and the foreigner. Because Jesus is not a respecter of persons, the very heart of the Gospel demonstrates and compels those whom it saves to be merciful and just toward those who are weak or oppressed. Even so, we want to endeavor to show mercy and justice in a way that empowers folks to bring their gifts to the Church and the world so that they can produce for themselves and for the good of those who can't produce. Therefore, we want to focus our time, talents, and treasures to bring:
- Educational tutoring
- Transportation assistance for work
- Job training assistance
- Childcare assistance for working & college-enrolled single parents